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Consult Call With Carte Physician

$ 500.00 USD

An hour with a smart doctor to audit a health question you're grappling with, and guidance on what you should do next (which specialist, what test, or to not worry about it). To protect the time of Carte physicians, meeting times are paid. Once a meeting time is purchased, we will provide you a link to schedule your meeting with a Carte physician and a portal to send any relevant records or notes. Live time up to 45 minutes, total time spent on intake is 60 minutes (including review of records, follow up).

  • Referrals to vetted specialists: facilities + digital tools
  • ER physicians 24/7/365 for help in urgent situations
  • First monthly fee can go towards annual plan
We do our best to provide value during these calls regardless of whether you decide to work with Carte longer term. If you have any questions before purchasing you can reach us at membership@carteclinics.com