The medical care of people you love can make you feel powerless.
Whether it’s:
🏘 a parent far away in precarious health
📈 a spouse with a chronic condition that’s not getting the attention it deserves,
or 🌱 a child who needs resources that you’re struggling to find,
Ensuring good medical care for loved ones can be one of the most stressful and emotionally fraught jobs you have to juggle. 🤹
🚑 We’ve made space in our medical practice to help.
Carte Clinics is currently enrolling a special cohort dedicated to caregivers. We decided to prioritize supporting the superheroes taking responsibility for their loved one’s health.We know these folks are spread really thin and need help juggling all the moving pieces of medical care, from making sure appointments are on track ⏳, to securing transportation🚨, to reviewing specialist advice 🔍 and cross-checking medication regimens for bad interactions 💊 .
If this sounds familiar to you or someone you know, please send them this post or link to schedule an introductory call with us. We have to cap how many discounted caregiver memberships we can offer, and the most fair way we can think of doing this is asking to spread the offer far and wide to people you know who might need it.Thanks for your help. Be well, and keep reaching out with medical headaches we can fix!